Are you ready to expand your mind and your body by
unleashing the power of your sexual energy? If so,
pay attention, because this is going to be a trip
that WILL change your life for
the good FOREVER...
"Discover How The Secret Of
Harnessing Your Sexual Energy Can Make You More
Powerful, Dynamic, Energized, Motivated,
Spiritually Evolved & Virtually Unstoppable"
You’re about to discover
secrets and effective techniques that will
dramatically improve and stimulate your life, just
by harnessing your hidden sexual energy!
OK I’m going to break all the rules here
by giving you a warning before you even
start to read about how fabulous this
programme is (and it is as you’ll see).
Because we can’t talk about sexual energy
without mentioning a few “rude bits”. So
if you’re likely to be offended by talk of
orgasms, sex, ejaculation and other
unmentionables then you need to read no
I also need to warn you that it’s hard to
talk about this subject without the odd
double ententre slipping in. Should one
pop up I invite you to play with it. After
all sex is meant to be fun.
So with the health and safety warnings out
of the way and if you are open minded and up
for something new (sorry no pun intended)
then this could be the programme for you. |
From: Dr. Lisa Turner, owner of Psycademy
Subject: Change your life
Dear Success Seeker,
In just a moment you're going to discover what
could be the most important, life-changing
information you'll ever learn. You've probably
done, or heard about, lots of self help and
personal development before, but I am 100% certain
that you will never have come across this material
in this way before. What
you're about to learn will revolutionise the way
you think about your problems and your success.
If you're reading this then I know that some
aspect of your life isn't working. Perhaps
stress, emotional problems, boring routines,
excessive work or a frustrating sexual life, are
playing a negative role in your life every single
second that you’re in this world. These could all
be the result of energy leaks and blocks that are
stealthily taking away vital energy from you.
Before continuing, I’d like to tell you who I am
and WHY you should listen to me. My name is Lisa
Turner. I am a certified trainer of Tantra,
Hypnosis, NLP, NLP Coaching and Time Line Therapy,
as well a Psychic, Shamanic Practitioner, Reiki
Master, Spiritual Teacher and a true professional
in various therapeutic and healing modalities.
I have been involved in, and studying, personal
spiritual development and internal energy for
about 20 years. Thus, I’m a qualified
professional who walks the talk, and
not someone who explains random theories about
Let's start by taking a
look at how well your
sexual energy is functioning
Do you suffer from...
Fuzzy thinking, you can’t
concentrate, start things but
then get distracted and
fail to finish things. Is your home or
office full of unfinished projects? |
You can’t focus, you have lots of
projects on the go at the same
time. |
You say yes to things and later regret it. |
You find it really difficult to
make decisions, and agonise over
them for days, weeks or months. |
You are disorganised, lose things, forget
things, have a “head like a sieve”.
Sometimes you can’t even remember what you
said in a meeting yesterday or last week. |
Your life is rather chaotic, with your
days lacking structure or plans. |
You find it very hard to take
risks, even if you know it’s the
right thing and miss great opportunities as
a result. Have you ever kicked yourself for
saying no to something that later turned out
to be a great idea? |
You like to have everything
planned out to the last detail.
You get very stressed when you have to
change your plans at short notice or if
there isn’t a plan. |
When circumstances change and you need to
adapt, you often don’t notice until it’s too
late. |
Others accuse you of being rigid,
inflexible or a stickler for rules. |
You like to know the “rules” and what’s
expected. You can’t stand it when things
seem to be disorganised or if others are
making it up as they go along. |
You try to manifest money, or things but
it never works. |
Others ignore or don’t listen to you. You
lack power, authority and
presence. |
At the end of the day you have been really
busy and are exhausted but have little or
nothing to show for it. |
You attract lots of interest and attention
but it’s often from people who you really
don’t want to be around. You find them
repellent, but can’t seem to shake them off
as they stick to you like glue and keep
showing up wherever you go. |
Your personal relationships aren’t
working or are nonexistent. |
You try to get the attention of people who
you know will be able to help you and they
give you the brush off, you can’t
connect with them. |
You are very spiritual but find it hard to
bring your spiritual insights into physical
reality. you have great spiritual wisdom,
but no-one will listen to you. |
These are just a few of the signs that you might
not be transmuting or harnessing your energy, or
that you have an imbalance between your masculine
and feminine energy.
But, What if I Told You
that You Can be More Dynamic,
Full of Energy, Focused, Spiritually Connected,
Confident in Yourself with a Few Easy Steps?
I completely understand if you feel a bit
skeptical about these grand claims and, to be
perfectly honest, I'd be quite surprised if you
There are a lot of very hyped-up theories out
there that sound great when you read them on paper
or hear them in some midnight self-help T.V.
programme, but when it comes to applying the
techniques, they usually don’t bring the results
you’re looking for.
I know you'd expect me to say this, but I'll say
it anyway because comes from a place of heartfelt
and genuine truth... the
techniques you can learn from me really DO work.
They are proven to bring amazing results - over
and over.
So yes, of course, I have business-related
reasons why I want you to enrol on this programme.
But more than anything I want you to enrol so that
you too can reap the benefits, and turn your life
around in exactly the ways that you choose and you
Let's take a look next
at what is possible if your
sexual energy is functioning exquisitely...
Would you like to be highly
creative and able to channel your
creativity into successful and profitable
projects? |
Would you like to finally get
organised so that you know where
things are and don't waste time? |
How good would it feel to be fully
in your body and alive in the
present moment? |
Would you like to just KNOW if an
opportunity is a good one or not, and be
able to take decisive action? |
Would you like to be able to focus
with laser clarity so that you
can get things DONE? |
Would you like to have crystal
clarity of mind so that you can
think logically, rationally and clearly? |
Would you like to manage your time better
so that every day you achieve
something extraordinary and can
feel satisfied at the end of the day? |
Are you ready to make snap
decisions that are the right ones
without agonising over them? |
Is it time for you to be more spontaneous
and have more fun? |
Would you like to have the “Midas
touch” and create amazing
coincidences all the time? Would you like to
experience amazing LUCK and good fortune? |
Would you like to be able to say
NO to things (and the right
things)? |
Do you wish people would listen to you,
seek you out and have them hang on your
every word? Can you imagine what it would be
like to have people flock to hear
you, see you, talk to you, be
near you? |
Would you like to attract and
keep your soul mate and have the
relationship be fulfilling and satisfying on
every level? |
Are you ready to magnetise money?
“You’re About to Hear
Something that Can Radically Transform Your Life
Listen up, the BIGGEST
energy that I’m talking about - it’s the one that
you and I have inside of us directing our lives…
And it’s called “Sexual Energy.”
Think about this for a while, since
we are all born sexual beings, and, believe it or
not, sexuality or sexual energy rules each and
every one of us. Every action that we make, every
thought, every cell in our bodies, every stimulus
that we feel…it’s always determined by our sexual
energy. Now, how powerful
is that?
Well, bearing in mind that sexual energy can
catapult you to ecstasies, make politicians risk
their jobs, and make people betray their friends
and family, I’d say that it is something bigger
than the whole universe.
In fact, I do believe that it moves the universe.
But, you see, there’s a serious problem
behind all of this.
This BIG energy can be a double-edged knife.
Let’s use an analogy: this knife can help you to
cut vegetables, but if you use it wrong, you
will cut your own hand.
For example, if you’re a man and you have
unharnessed sexual energy, other people can feel
that you have feelings of sleaziness. And, believe
it or not, women can always notice this, even if
you’re a gentleman!
Some time ago, I had a friend who suffered from
this problem. He acted like a gentleman and was
always very polite to women, yet time and time
again he was rejected.
He didn’t know exactly why, but he had a lot of sexual
energy compressed inside of him and
women instantly
noticed that, and put him in the “caution - sleazy
guy” zone. Trust me - it’s a zone that you don’t
want to be in.
On the other hand, women with unharnessed sexual
energy can be perceived by others as exhibiting
slutty behavior, even if they are behaving
politely and normally.
This is what’s happening nowadays - people just
don’t know how to channel and take advantage of
this pure energy. Instead they just waste it, with
disastrous consequences for their life.
If You Want to be Completely
Happy and Enjoy
the Beauty of Being Free in Your Life,
You Must Harness ALL of Your Sexual Energy…
Sexual energy plays a big role in our lives, but
we also have other “sub-energies” working
stealthily in our bodies…
As you may know, the world is made
by “dualities.” In other words, where there is a
woman, there is a man. Where there is water, there
is fire. Where there is obscurity, there is light.
So, did you know that even if you’re a man (or a
woman), you have feminine and masculine energies
acting in your body?
Yes - and if there is an imbalance between them,
you have problems knocking at your behavior’s
For example, if you have too much feminine energy,
this can cause you to start projects and never
finish them (chaotic thinking). You can feel very
susceptible sometimes, and you can even find
yourself being controlled by others!
On the other side, if you have too much masculine energy
boiling inside you, it means that you can’t be
flexible with your thinking and your behavior
(remember, being flexible is critical in order to
live a normal life).
Have you ever asked yourself why sometimes you
can’t handle changes in your life? Well, you can
blame it on having too much masculine energy
inside you.
All this sounds too pessimistic, I know, but
these are the kinds of problems that we’re facing
every day in our modern society. A lot of people
are confused, exhausted, sexually frustrated,
experiencing emotional problems and so on…
Fortunately, that’s why I’m here today… to share
very good news with you.
You’re going to see that
the daily problems that you’re experiencing can be
solved once and for all,
and finally you’ll get the life that you
You’ll be Experiencing
Magical Bliss 24 Hours a Day!
I’m really proud to introduce to
“The Mystery of Energy
Interactive Home Study
Mind-blowing Online Home Study
Course that shows you the effective way to
harness and transmute your inner sexual
energy, and to transform it into the things
that you most desire: A physically
and mentally healthier and problem-free
life. |
“MET” fusion of the very best of eastern
(Tanta) and western (Sex Magic) traditions
brings you on a silver platter the most
powerful, effective techniques
that can transform your life for the
better! |
Helps you to increase wealth, focus,
charisma, creativity, clarity and also to be
more spiritually connected with this world.
It’s like having a machine that turns a
normal person into a super human being! |
Even if you’re the most apathetic person
in the world, this program is guaranteed to
enhance and dramatically boost your energy
to limits that you have never heard of
before by providing secret
procedures that have been closely
guarded by the masters… until now. |
Proven to transform a boring or
non-existent sexual life into a never-ending
source of ecstasies, pleasure and joy so
easily that you’ll never
worry about sex again! |
“The Mystery of Energy
Transmutation” was designed for
both sexes (men and women) and shows in an
easy and step-by-step manner how to enjoy a
full-body orgasm (the 23-minute orgasm
technique if you’re a woman) or how easy it
is to last all night in bed and drive women
crazy - literally. |
Efficiently solves any sexual
problem (intimacy, inability to orgasm,
premature ejaculation, impotence, etc.) by
unleashing the power that is inside of you.
Have you ever heard of something
like this before? |
Turns single and lonely people into “sex
magnets” that attract the
opposite sex’s attention instantly and
effortlessly (you can attract the perfect
soul mate and make him/her stay by your side
for years to come!) |
Do you have a boring relationship and
don’t know how to make things more
motivating and exciting? “MET” sheds some
light on this subject and can literally
transform your “every-day-the-same” love
routine overnight into a passionate
and burning relationship
that can fulfill your mind, your spirit and
your soul! |
This program is for
those who are…
Eagerly wanting a BIG
opportunity to change their world and to
transform their life into something
beautiful. |
Professionals looking to empower
their skills and seeking a boost in their
motivation, such as: consultants, coaches,
spiritual or social entrepreneurs,
complementary theory business owners, etc... |
People who want to radically improve
their sexuality and solve all the problems
that they might have. |
Passionate folks that wish to attract
the perfect soul mate and to keep her/him
for their rest of their lives! Basically,
this is for every person in this world who
truly wants to succeed!! |
“The Mystery of Energy Transmutation” is one of
my biggest and ambitious projects. I’ve put a lot
of effort and time into this product and I believe
firmly in what it does, mainly because I have a
95% success rate with all of my students. It
happened to me, and it will happen to you!
This means that out of
every 100 people that I tend to
95 lucky individuals achieve success and,
more importantly, the
things that they want from life.
The question is, would you
like to be part of this 95%?
I’d like to do something together…
Just close your eyes and try to visualize all the
problems you have in your life right now. It could
be a bad relationship, lack of focus, too much
stress, problems with communication, lack of
creativity and clarity, money, etc.
Whatever the problems are, just picture or
visualize them. Now, imagine a hammer tearing
apart those problems instantly - really fast.
Once the hammer gets rid of your problems, just
breathe, be calm and try to feel the complete
peace that the hammer brought to your life. Feel
it. Believe it.
No problems, no worries, just absolute peace of
mind and spirit. You’re virtually free
and you can enjoy 100% those things in life that
make you feel good.
it feel great?
That is exactly what other
people that have joined me are feeling right now,
24 hours a day, 365 days a year! Can you imagine
feeling so calm and relaxed every day?
It seems impossible to the most skeptical, but
hundreds of satisfied customers, and me, are
living proof that this dream is possible. Even
further, it’s just a few clicks away!!
"My relationship
got even deeper and more meaning than I
ever imagined"
"When I began Lisa's course with my
wife, I wanted to learn how to make an
amazing relationship even more amazing.
I'd first heard about Energy
Transmutation it was through Napoleon
Hill's great book, Think and Grow Rich,
20 years ago. The book gave the "what",
but not the "how-to". Over the years
I've discovered part of the "how-to"
here and there, but I have always wanted
a course that gave me everything in one
place. Lisa's course gave me that. As a
result of the changes I have made in
life - inspired by Lisa's audio
trainings and her coursework questions -
I have lost 11lbs in weight, our
business has earned in 6 months what it
earned in the previous 12 months and my
relationship got even deeper and more
meaning than I ever imagined."
"The change and
growth in my energy has been phenomenal"
"I can honestly say the enrolling on
the MET course has totally changed the
way I approach life, it has taught me to
lose all judgement and see and approach
everything as a positive contribution to
my life. The resulting change and growth
in my energy has been phenomenal, I am
now far more confident in my abilities
and it has help me understand myself and
what my purpose in life is. My
capabilities in manifesting what I
desire has improved to the point where I
no longer worry about stuff and know
that it will show up at the right time
for me. I have been transformed by what
I have learnt on the MET course and
cannot remember what it was like before
I had the skills I have learnt. Thank
you Lisa."
Lisa, Everything Sounds
Great, but Give Me More
Reasons Why I Should Join Your Program…
If you remember a very well-known book called
“Think and Grow Rich,” from Napoleon Hill, you
surely noticed that he talks about “Sexual Energy
Unfortunately, like many authors that want to
keep their secrets to themselves, he doesn’t
reveal step-by-step instructions on how
to use this powerful and life-changing energy to
your advantage.
The best thing is that with “MET” you have all
the necessary ingredients, tools and resources (as
well as a step-by-step system) to bring to your
life this BIG opportunity.
When it comes to sexual energy not everyone is
aware of its existence, and let alone making use
of it.
This is something that
certainly has the potential to change every person
in this world!
This is Exactly What You’re
if You Order TODAY
“Mystery of Energy Transmutation”
access to the online home
study course with tons and tons of daily lessons that you can study from the comfort of your own home. Each lesson contains daily practices, energy experiments with practical applications in your daily life, suggestions from masters of energy and much more! |
Instant access
to a private and vibrant Facebook Group.
This alone is worth its weight in gold...imagine if you could privately share, discover, ask questions and find answers with friendly and warm people that are just like you. In this exclusive group, with a friendly and relaxed atmosphere, you are going to feel like you’re at home! |
You can listen
as often as you like to my past webinars and
calls with their respective transcriptions
so that you won’t miss anything. You can
download the transcription as many times as
you want. Everything is laid out in an easy
and accessible fashion. Easy, simple and
to-the-point! |
One of the most
secret and hidden breathing techniques
will be revealed - "Babaji’s Cobra
Breath". This fabulous
and unique breathing technique is more than
exclusive - no one (except the masters and
our students) is aware of this method. It
even comes with a warning! (It’s so
effective, that only those who are truly
prepared can use it.) |
Full, dedicated
support that answers any question
and response within 48 hours. |
Here’s a sneak peak of
what my members’ area looks like (warning, it’s
full of VALUABLE content only for your eyes!)

And what’s better,
inside of this members’ area,
this is what is waiting for you…
1. |
instructions on how to harness
your sexual energy. |
2. |
How to use your inherent sexual energy to
awaken consciousness and
project your spiritual vision into a real,
physical reality. The advantage of “MET”
over other spiritual traditions is that it
brings spiritual joy through your body. |
3. |
How to unlock the hidden secret
in the famous and well-known “Think and Grow
Rich” (this is going to surprise you!). |
4. |
How to use powerful techniques
(they even come with a warning!) for
orgasmic and sexual energy manifestation. |
5. |
How to enjoy endless and delighting full-body
orgasms over and over (this alone
is virtually priceless). |
6. |
How to increase dramatically
your charisma and personal
presence. You will never go unnoticed again!
People will admire you, hang on every word
that you say and you will become instantly
the center of attention in every social
aspect of your life! |
7. |
How to solve any relationship
problem. When I say any problem,
I really mean it! |
8. |
How to connect your heart with
your sexuality, and your
sexuality with your spirituality, in a
perfect matching and harmonic fusion! |
9. |
How to open the third eye
that rests inside of you by activating the
powerful and mystical Kundalini. |
10. |
How to skyrocket the intimacy in
your relationships (this is
absolutely one of the most beautiful things
in life). |
11. |
How to attract wealth
and all of the things that you want by
activating the power that is sleeping in
your body (this is something that is not
covered in other guides or courses). |
12. |
How to achieve the perfect balance between
masculine and feminine energy (remember what
happens when your masculine and feminine
energies are not balanced?). With both
energies synchronized, there’s nothing that
can stop you. You will become a
super human being! |
You Can Now Take
Advantage of 20 Years of My Expertise and Use Them
to Take Your Life to
the Next Level!
That’s right.
You don’t have to spend years and years trying to
find the solutions to your problems somewhere
Let’s put it simply, there is no need
to hire expensive psychologists, doctors,
therapists, or any other experts. You have ALL of
the tools and resources that you need to create
from scratch a new and joyful life right here
– right now.
No need to buy vitamins, pills
or energizing drinks. You can improve your energy
just by leveraging the power
of the sexual energy that is waiting to
be unleashed!
"A personal
transformation and revelation"
"Working with Lisa is indeed
transformational stuff. You will be
challenged but never allowed to feel
alone, stretched far enough that you
must grow, but never so far that you are
stretched too far and then cannot grow
What began as fulfilling a promise to
myself to add new and deeper dimensions
to my own business in order to help my
own clients, also became a personal
transformation and revelation beyond any
"The most
fabulous journey of my life"
"I couldn't be more happy right now.
The transformation I have experienced in
just 4 days is more than I could ever
have imagined. The best part? There is
so much more to experience and learn.
This is the most fabulous journey of my
life. Amazing things are happening
everyday and I know it is because I have
changed myself."
inspired, led, enchanted"
"Lisa has in her own unique way
taught, coaxed, inspired, led,
enchanted, coached, challenged, turbo
charged and cared for me and has shown
me how to do all of these amazing things
for myself. This is priceless."
I’m Really Excited to See
You Succeed
So I'm Going To Share a Secret With You...
I LOVE postal foreplay! And everyone knows the best way to play postal
foreplay is shopping on the internet. You
click 'Add to Cart', put in your details and then
you wait. Every day you have the joy of
being teased by the postman, wondering
"Is it coming, is it coming?"
Whilst the tension and excitement builds to a
climax when "YES! YES! YES!" the postman finally
follows through and... THUD... the earth
moves as your parcel lands on the mat
and you are satisfied at last.
I'd hate to deny you that pleasure, so I'm
including some lovely, juicy bonuses with a
satisfyingly earth-moving thud.
Here They Are... The Exciting Bonuses That
You Can Play Postal Foreplay With When You Secure
a Place on
“The Mystery of Energy Transmutation” Programme...
Bonus #1: “Integrity of Energy”
Online Home Study Programme
Value £300 |
you how to manage your mind for an
unlimited energy expansion (trust me, this
is POWERFUL). How to permanently remove
any negative energy that is limiting you
in your daily life. Also, it shows you the
way to clear energetic and emotional
blocks to the movement of energy.
Bonus #2: “Movement of Energy”
Online Home Study Programme
Value £100 |
In this outstanding and informational programme you’re going to discover how you can flow your magic energy into your body, balancing all 4 layers of your aura.
#3: Your Dedicated Energy Coach
Value £450 |
To make absolutely sure you
get exactly what YOU need out of this
course, you'll get a 90 whole minutes with
a dedicated Psycademy energy coach who has
been personally taught by me, and who is
fully trained in the techniques of
transmuting sexual energy, as well as
being a certified Psycademy Spiritual
Practitioner, and Practitioner of NLP, NLP
Coaching, Hypnosis, and Time Line
“I’m Absolutely
Interested in Your Online Home Study Course Lisa,
but How Much is This Going to Cost Me?”
That’s a really good question. Recently I’ve come
across some websites which are offering less than
a fraction of what my course is providing, yet
they are charging even more.
I’ve seen pretty big numbers that for simply
packaged hype that doesn’t match what they’re
offering. And quite frankly, none of them come
close to “The Mystery of Energy
Transmutation”. Before talking about
pricing, I’d like to ask you a straight-forward
How much is happiness
worth to you? (I know that it sounds like a
pre-made cliché, but please be honest).
£13,000…? £10,000…? £8,000…?
No. Forget about those high and crazy prices, and
focus your attention on an outrageous and dirt
cheap price tag that will guarantee your freedom.
If you’re quick and act today,
you’re going to get a *GREAT*
Let's Take a Look at
What this Program is Worth to You
If you were going to work with me 1-1 to solve
these problems and receive your initiation it
would cost you £35,000 (plus VAT).
I’ve spent over 10 years researching and studying
sexual energy, how to use it, how to harness it.
Coupled with 20 years of research and work in the
field of personal and spiritual development.
Not only have I come up with a model that works
for 95% of people (actually it works for everyone
if you follow the instruction and put in the
work), I’ve invested £100,000s in developing this
material. And even more than that. I’ve made lots
of mistakes so that you don’t have to. The way
I’ve put it together now it’s foolproof. Provided
you follow the instructions, do the work you WILL
get the result and you WILL stay safe.
If you were to start from scratch and put
together this material with this level of
transformation with this much safety and speed it
could take you 20 years too.
But I'm not going to charge you anything
like that, I'm actually making a rather
outrageous offer here... I'm giving you the
entire package for only £1,997
Grand Total Value |
£4,750.00 |
Your Total
Investment Only |
(approx US$2,706) |
Only For a Very Limited Time,
You Can Get Instant Access to the Complete and
“Mystery of Energy
Package PLUS Amazing Bonuses for
Only £1,997!
You Can Share This
Secret with Your Beloved
as a Couple and Save More £££ for
Only £2,997!
I’m 100% Confident in
the Effectiveness of My Program,
So I Will Let You Try it Today RISK FREE!
Sincerely, a lot of my competitors don’t bother
to include a strong iron-clad money-back
guarantee, simply because their programs are not
even half as effective as “The Mystery of
Energy Transmutation”.
I’m not like them.
I’m here to make sure that you
transform your life permanently for the better,
and that’s my ultimate objective. I won’t take
your money and run away leaving you nothing…that’s
something that I never did and will never do
(hundreds of happy customers are living proof of
Lisa's Personal
I’m confident that when you invest in the
"Mystery of Sex Transmutation" course, and
when you follow the steps and do the work,
you will start noticing changes in your
energy, your emotions and your
relationship straight away...
You’re protected by
my 60 day
money back guarantee
If after 60 days you feel that you are
not happy with the materials, you can just
let me know. I’ll return your money, less
a modest £50 book keeping administrative
Please note: if you choose to take a refund you will be required to confirm that you have deleted all digital course materials before the refund can be issued. |
Think about this, you’re in front of an
opportunity that could end at any time (as I’m not
sure I will put this special offer out for too
long) without warning.
Who knows - by this time tomorrow, hundreds of
smart people may jump on this offer and, if
there’s massive activity, I may take down this
special package to protect the product and my
actual customers.
And to be honest, if you come here and you see
nothing, then you have probably wasted the last
chance to board the train headed to
your happiness.
Still got questions?
Q |
I’m not
currently with a partner, can I do this on
my own? |
A |
Yes, absolutely. Many of the
exercises need to practised on your own
first, even if you are in a relationship,
and in addition, ALL of the techniques can
be practised on your own for the same
effect. If you’re on your own, it’s even
more important to balance your masculine and
feminine energies. Raising your sexual
energy can even help you attract your soul
mate or perfect partner. |
Q |
I want to do the
programme but my partner won’t join in. |
A |
Don’t worry this happens a lot. You can
still get all the benefit. Just by
practising the techniques on your own your
partner will notice something amazing in
you sexual energy that will improve your
sex life and relationship. As your
confidence grows you may begin to feel
comfortable incorporating some of the
techniques into your lovemaking.
For many couples, one partner starts
learning this and the other ends up joining
in when they notice the changes in you.
Either way there’s no need for you to miss
out just because s/he won’t join in. |
Q |
Will this help me
last longer in bed? I sometimes ejaculate
too soon? |
A |
Yes these techniques have
worked for many men with this issue, and
much better than lotions or saying your
times tables. These techniques address this
problem perfectly. You will discover how to
satisfy your partner deeply and get fully in
control of your orgasm and ejaculation. Some
men eventually learn to orgasm without
ejaculation so they can last as long as they
choose. |
Q |
I already have a
spiritual practice can I still do that? |
A |
Yes of course. This material
is complementary to any other spiritual
philosophy and practices. It is a philosophy
or set of ideas not a religion. |
Q |
I’ve never achieved
an orgasm is this course right for me? |
A |
These techniques are perfect
for you. You will rebalance your masculine
and feminine energies, which can be a cause
of this problem. By transmuting the arousal
it can prevent that feeling of congestion
and tension if you can’t orgasm but have
become aroused. |
Q |
Will this help me
achieve orgasm during intercourse with my
lover? |
A |
Yes it will. These techniques
enable you to master your own orgasmic
response so you can chose when to orgasm,
and how make your orgasm last longer. You’ll
also learn a specific approach to opening
the energy and orgasmic gates that lead to
heightened pleasure that will allow you to
orgasm in new and deeper ways. |
Q |
I would rather learn
this 1-1 can I do this? |
A |
Yes this is possible. The
investment for 1-1 is £14,000 for
individuals, and £22,000 for couples. There
is usually a waiting list of about 6 months.
To do this email my office and ask for an
application form to apply for a 1-1
programme. |
Time is running out, and I know that you will make the right choice.
Now, arm yourself with the powerful knowledge that
I’m offering right now.
I will assure you that you won’t regret it, and
you’ll never look back again. You have absolutely
nothing to lose, and a wonderful life to gain…
Thank you for taking your time in reading my
See you on the inside!

Dr Lisa Turner
P.S. With
over 20 years of expertise behind me, I can
seriously help you to overcome any
obstacles or blocks in any area of your life.
“MET” can bring you so many positive blessings
that you’d be crazy not to take advantage of this
mammoth package.
P.P.S. This
is really simple, and I’m offering you on a silver
platter a lifetime opportunity that you
can’t let pass you by. Act now and join the
hundreds of joyful individuals that have tried
I’m eliminating ANY risk involved. You can try
today risk free “Mystery of Energy Transmutation”
with no worries or unexpected surprises. You can
try it for 60 days (that’s two months!),
implement, experiment and decide if this home
study course is for you. If it’s not, you’re
backed up by a solid-as-rock 100% money-back
Don’t think twice, take
action NOW!